Friday, October 20, 2023

Review: The Nun II – a great horror flick

Earlier this week, I watched ‘The Nun II’ at the cinema (which wasn’t cheap even with student discount).

It was really very good.

The film is based on 1950s France and involves a demon trying to return to power and terrorising the students and staff of a school. Called into action by the Catholic Church is Sister Irene goes to defeated Valek. It is both mystery and horror. I have to say the terror in the opening scene was shocking and set an ominous tone to the film. I strapped myself in. 

The film was v. visually atmospheric with a wonderful wardrobe, an oak-barrel winery, motorcars, visceral horror elements and creepy noises - especially the scene with the newsstand in a dark cobbled alleyway. Very stylish, perhaps more so than horror.

The acting and casting was impressive. The characters’ chemistry and connection were really examined in this film. Horror films sometimes prioritize scare scenes and creepy/eerie atmosphere over an emotional depth to the film. I especially liked how the subtle and unforced the romantic subplot was developed and their obvious chemistry among the protagonists.

I wish the film wouldn’t turned the Church and theology into a Marvel movie though. The fact is that a nun cannot really be an exorcist. Catholic priests have the authority which a Bishop has to sanction. St. Catherine of Siena was known to have exorcised demons. That would put Sister Irene on par with a Saint! Also, it is unclear why the demon has to hunt for a relic to obtain its ‘powers’. That backstory is never fully explained despite serving as the fulcrum to the film’s entire story-line. And it was clever to have the demon defeated through the eucharist; but those barrels of wine were a bit silly.

Something else that doesn’t sit well with me is how ‘The Nun II’ veers into adventure-action type of horror (rather like Tom Cruise’s ‘The Mummy’). It is strange that a demonic entity has to be give chase, fight and seems to be foiled by hiding under a table - but, at elsewhere in the film, can snap a girl’s neck with a flick of her hand.

Overall, it is a v. enjoyable and scary film. Totally recommend.



  1. Your appraisal is funny. It is probably more about femininity movement to allow nun equally powerful to priests.

    1. Haha, if I make the next movie, I'd let the demon win ... saying "thank god it was a nun and not a priest" ... and watch the audience and critics go nuts!!
      Thanks for commenting :)

  2. Oh gosh, I'm not into Horrow Movies, once was and enjoyed them.
    Sound interesting though and it's pleasing you enjoyed.

  3. Pleased you enjoyed this film.

    All the best Jan
