Monday, February 12, 2024

The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche – Amazing.

My last blog post concerned romantic painters in the National Gallery – but this particular painting is extraordinary. 

'The Execution of Lady Jane Grey' painted by Paul Delaroche in 1833 which depicts the Queen who reigned for a mere 9 days. 

I think French painter Delaroche was able to depict this moment so beautifully with all its tragedy and sorrow. And, leavened with a noble strength and resolve in the face of such a downfall. She was coerced into accepting the Crown; and must have only been 16 years when she was executed. The fragile vulnerability of Lady Jane Grey (needing support and help) is matched by her elegance and beauty. Also, what a striking counter-position: to be executed among the enveloping darkness of a cold damned crypt, and with hay grass on the floor. The executioner asked for her forgiveness before beheading her:

The executioner asked her forgiveness, which she granted him, pleading: "I pray you dispatch me quickly." Referring to her head, she asked, "Will you take it off before I lay me down?", and the axeman answered, "No, madam."

Lady Jane was deposed by supporters of the Catholic Queen Mary. Lady Jane was executed because she represented a potential claimant to the English Crown against Queen Mary as long as she lived. Queen Mary had intended to pardon her but, following an attempted revolt and rebellion over the Spanish marriage, she probably felt Lady Jane was too dangerous. King Henry VIII dictated that the throne of England would pass Edward VI, and only then Queen Mary should inherit the throne. Instead of the Crown passing directly onto Mary (as per Henry VIII), Edward VI tried to control the passing of the Crown onto Lady Jane (his protestant cousin).

She was beheaded at the Tower of London.


  1. The treatment of Lady Jane Grey was so disgusting and immoral, that I can barely look at the image. The only thing we need to be grateful for is that the royal family could not lie about her teenage death, as they did with other executions. Yes it was in 1554, but we still need to be thankful to Paul Delaroche. Perhaps Delaroche had extra bravery because he was not British.

    1. Yes, a real cruel tragedy. Probably owing to the religious upheavals of the day. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Such a young age to die. One wonders what goes through the minds of these poor souls just before their execution.

    1. Grim, isn't it. I believe she was decapitated in the open.

  3. This is so grotesque and cruel. I sense the fear and misery in this young lady.
