Tuesday, July 23, 2024

President Biden finally taken down by the Democrats

Finally. Biden has “stepped down” ... or taken down in a coup.

A sad end to one of the longest & most consequential careers in US politics. 

Propped by his party recently for so long despite voters being well-aware of the fact that the Democrats knew Biden wasn’t mentally capable. They tried to push him through the finish line anyway. 

Then, the disturbing and unsettling debate on June-27th against Donald Trump. The world was finally exposed to what insiders had known for months: Biden was in serious physical and mental decline ... Then, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump softened and buoyed the public’s perception of Trump (interesting that Trump took a more measured and “statesmanlike” approach than his erstwhile “conspiracy theory” rituals — I was expecting him to blame Biden for the assassination attempt), and made Trump seem stronger and more vigorous than Biden.

So finally, the “compassionate” Democrats knifed President Biden. One-by-one. Obama at first, followed by Pelosi ... which then created an “official” momentum to gut him. The omerta lifted. 

He made the most important and consequential announcement of his Presidency ... in a letter posted on Twitter/X. He neither appeared on camera, nor did we hear his voice. We didn’t see him at all that Sunday.


If the Democrats lose the election, it will be a complete bloodbath.

Matthew Hennessey (below) argues that “the Democrats underestimate the price they will pay for lying this way ... The damage has been done. It’ll be a long time undoing it.”

Jill (his wife) and the White House staff must take the blame for allowing this humiliation. Biden was allowed to dig his own grave further and further — in public. He recently called himself “‘first Black woman’ to serve in White House”. He should have been treated with a bit more respect ... and honesty.

National Review has written about how President Biden was the “PiNO — President in Name Only” era:

Since at least the Afghanistan debacle, those of us paying attention have noticed that Biden’s age meant he couldn’t perform his duties like a normal president would. He made considerably fewer public appearances, appeared at few early morning or late-night events, took more time to recuperate from travel, conducted fewer interviews and press conferences, etc ... Normal presidents don’t skip Super Bowl interviews. Normal presidents don’t go nine months without a cabinet meeting. Normal presidents don’t spend almost every weekend at their beach house in Delaware, and normal presidents don’t have to use a teleprompter when making remarks to donors at closed-door fundraisers ... This is one of many reasons that, as the NR editors declare, Joe Biden should resign the presidency. He can’t do the job anymore. We have had a not-president for a while, and unless Biden resigns the office, we will have a not-president until January 20. He’s a PiNO — President in Name Only.

And, then Biden’s endorsement of Harris is her anointment in all but name in the perfunctory primary season. National Review again:

Harris has been a colossal disappointment to everyone who believed that the first woman vice president would be a heroic giant on the American political stage ... Beyond that, the laugh, her reliance on stock phrases like, “what can be, unburdened by what has been,” the constant vibe that she’s giving a book report on a book she didn’t read — there’s a nervousness or insecurity to Harris. She always seems like she’s bluffing.

In my opinion, the statesman who would add most stature to the Democrat ticket would be Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.



  1. Presidents are just puppets for the major donors. It is like watching a TV sitcom of soap opera.

    1. well, I don't know about that Reontare,
      A bit too cynical; but poor Biden should have gone some time ago,.

  2. I wonder who all will come out of the woodwork to run for the Democrats besides Harris now.

  3. Agree with you. It's sad in a way, Joe having Covid so therefore he can't make a speech to say he's standing down. Trump it seems will just fly in as the door is open.

    1. well, let's see ... we don't know yet if Trump will win. and 4 months is a while.

    2. That's true, we just have to wait and see what happens.

  4. I hope Kamala Harris can get the better of Trump despite his constant stream of disgusting and outrageous comments about her.

    1. Hmm, in my view, it should have been someone fresh and external from the Biden presidency.

  5. You have to be careful not to make assumptions beyond one's knowledge here. Verbal slips and lapses in concentration are not necessarily evidence of mental decline. (I worked in academic psychology for several years). However, the job does require levels of energy that would be beyond most of us.

    1. Hmm. Fair point.
      I think he's rather lost it now. Doesn't know what he's saying or thinking.
      I'm also thinking of the recent relevation that he's had a leading neurologist visit him.
