Monday, July 1, 2024

The Trump-Biden debate

For those who haven’t seen it: CNN presidential debate.


Biden lost completely

I have only v. serious doubts that President Biden is mentally sharp enough to be President after what we saw a few nights ago. This was not just a purported “cold” or “speech impediment”. Biden looked gone. And he is supposed to be occupying one of the most important and demanding roles for 4 years.

Everytime Biden glances at Trump .. it’s like he’s seeing him for the first time “😦”.

I felt sorry for him. He couldn’t even articulate a half-cogent counter-reply on abortion and Roe v Wade ... a softball question which he must have prepped for.

Without a script or teleprompter, he can barely recall a line or even a policy. I don’t think he knows half of it ... and it was clear he was also inventing statistics and making up stuff (e.g. on inflation or economy).

What a joke.

Trump won the debate, despite his (expected) flimflamming

WSJ had a v. interesting article covering the ridiculous exaggerations & near-hysterics from Trump during the debate. 


  1. It was embarrassing to watch. It looks as though the orange one will become the next president unless Biden can be replaced with someone capable.

  2. Neither of them in my book should be entering the race for or to the Whitehouse, they both are a disgrace and I do feel sorry for Joe, he's not fit and often has a blank look upon his face. Trump, hasn't been convicted of his crimes as yet, that I'm aware of and I can't see why people would vote for him either...sorry state of affairs.

    1. Trump was convicted in May of 34 counts of felony falsification of business records, in connection with the Stormy Daniels case. Unfortunately, the trials for the more serious crimes he's been indicted for probably won't happen before the election.

    2. Hi again Infidel -- just to reply to your above comment.

      You say "34 counts of felony falsification of business records, in connection with the Stormy Daniels case"... but that isnt actually the case. It has nothing to do with Stormy Daniels.

      People think it's about an adulterous relationship and paying people to keep it quiet, and writing it off as business expense. But it isn't, at all. It's about a purported "conspiracy" to defraud an election.

      I wrote about it here, you might find it a bit interesting:

  3. Biden really has that look about dementia. He is so absent minded without coherence. It was unbearable to see him speak. I do geriatric work for a living and he is way beyond his time to live in community

  4. Biden speaks to audiences fairly often and it's perfectly obvious that there's nothing wrong with him mentally. This has been the case when he's spoken since the debate. His poor performance on Thursday probably was the effect of, yes, a cold, possibly combined with cold medications, plus the well-known speech impediment he's had all his life.

    This is in marked contrast to Trump, whose public statements are often so garbled as to be unintelligible, even when issued in writing (on social media) rather than spoken aloud.

    US Democrats are somewhat panic-prone, but the calls to replace Biden with another candidate were clearly subsiding as early as Saturday. Not only is there no valid reason to do it, but there's no single obvious alternative. In practice it would have to be Harris, and she polls no better against Trump than Biden does.

    I would prefer that we had a younger candidate, but we don't. Biden has handled the job for four years. If he does start declining mentally during his second term, he's honest enough that he'd resign and turn the presidency over to Harris.

    As far as I know, there's never been a US presidential election that was significantly influenced by the outcome of a debate. I don't see any reason to think this one will be.

    1. Hi infidel.

      Thanks for commenting.

      Alarm bells were ringing with respect to Biden's mental acuity with the release of Robert Hur's report in Feb. He spent hours interviewing Biden & concluding that he showed significant memory problems. It was embarrassing.

      Honestly, it has been fairly obvious for some time that there is cause for serious concern. I also don't believe the "cold theory". That came from the White House ... There have been reports of him struggling to follow things at meetings in the past year, whispering etc. He cannot cope with the reading (demanded by the office) and will need to have someone ventriloquise/think/decide for him.

      It's a joke.

      People must face reality. If Trump is a threat to democracy, then the Democrats did a disservice nominating Biden again. The Democrats should break their party-wide omerta and call on him stand down; and stop making excuses. Then, others would come to the fore as more serious & worthy candidates.

    2. Forgive my bluntness, but it sounds like you're getting your news from sources which are eccentric to say the least. The Hur report was an ideologically motivated hit job and I can't remember the last time I heard of someone taking it seriously.

      Again, Biden speaks in public regularly and doesn't show signs of dementia. There have been efforts to portray him that way, mostly by unhinged right-wing sites, but the evidence doesn't support it. There is nothing to engage in "party-wide omerta" about (as if such a thing would be possible) or to make excuses for. The talk about replacing Biden has already pretty much subsided, except among media hacks trying to wring a few more page views out of it. That whole thing was just a tempest in a teacup which is already pretty much over. It'll be forgotten in a week.

    3. These doctors agree that cold medications probably explain Biden's unusual lapse into befuddlement early in the debate. By that same evening he was back to normal after the effects has worn off.

  5. Indeed, it was embarrassing. The man upon whom the free world pins its hopes.
    I have some idea what it's like when I was recovering from a brain op. You know what you want to say, but can't say it because you forget it half way through the sentence. The question is whether Biden is also like that when given the time and space to think without any pressure.
