Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The case of Dominique Pélicot - repeatedly sedating his wife and inviting men to rape her while unconscious

This case is pure horror.

Gisèle Pélicot is a 72 year-old French lady. She was repeatedly assaulted while unconscious by 80 men at her husband’s behest. France is still trying to identify 30 of this grandmother’s rapists.

This lady is beyond heroic. And, it sounds like her children are strong also. Her daughter is also a victim (but to a much lesser extent). 

And, today’s headline ... he admits “I am a rapist” in the French mass rape trial.

This guy is a total unhinged psychopath. 

What gets me is how some of the men apparently didn’t think it was rape ... because they had the husband’s permission. What is this? The Dark Ages?


  1. Three of the men refused the 'invitation' when they realised she was virtually unconscious. That poor woman - I can't imagine how she feels.

  2. The excuses men come up with to justify sexual assault and rape are increasingly bizarre. They thought it wasn't rape because they had the husband's permission? What will they think of next?

  3. "This case is pure horror."

    Yes, I just cannot imagine how the poor woman feels.

    All the best Jan
