Sunday, October 6, 2024

Memorial for the October 7 victims, London Hyde Park

Earlier today, I went to Hyde Park to attend a beautiful, weighty and moving memorial event dedicated to the memory of the victims of the savagery and evil of October 7.

I was so inspired by the faith, courage, persistence, and the love for the Jews and Israelis. 

Many of the speakers touched my heart. We were joined by the released hostage Ada Sagi and her son Noam Sagi, the Holocaust survivor Mrs. Mala Tribich, and a few survivors of the Nova music festival.🥹.

So many people attended too — a reminder of the support and love for Israel.

Long live Israel!   Am Yisrael Chai!


Below a few photos:

Thousands gathered in London’s Hyde Park.
During these tough times, Israelis & Jews should remember lots of people all around the world, like me, love your nation, love you and will support you !

“Jerusalem of Gold”. So beautiful.

Sir Simon Schama speaking. He shared three poems.
The last one being the most introspective.


Mandy Damari, the mother of the British-Israeli hostage Emily Damari.
Poor mother. What strength. I can’t even imagine.

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis speaking.

 Whilst I don’t speak Hebrew, the singing and music was so beautiful.
Music has the power to lift us in hope & joy - through the tears.

All those murdered on Oct 7 shown on the big screen.
And candles lit in their honour.

Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely to the UK.
So proud Israel has sent us such a strong & fierce lady to represent Israel.

Flags everywhere.

Trustee from the Board of Jewish relations talking.

More flags.

“Never again is Now”.
People can see reality: another Holocaust perpetrated, in our own time.


“Bring them home”.
Loads of stalls set up with leaflets, posters and bits-and-bobs.

Hyde Park when I first arrived, which was earlyish.


UPDATE (06.10.2024): Found a YouTube of the memorial:


  1. Thank you, Liam.
    I don't know that the prayers and messages of hope will help the Jews at all, but had I been in London, I would have hoped that all my family joined the memorial. Our grandparents' generation was almost wiped out during the Holocaust and now the grandchildren were raped and murdered in a new generation.

    1. I don't know either, but it's nice for people to stand up for jews and israelis.

  2. How wonderful and touching to see these photos and videos...thanks for sharing.

  3. I think all those attending were very brave. There is so much hatred everywhere.

    1. everyone was so civilised and respectful at the memorial janice.
      No shouting or hectoring, or calling for violence like the other side was doing on Sat.
