Hello bloggers,
Please give me some feedback.
For some time I’ve wanted to change the “jeeveshat” title and blog address.
Jeeves is part of the P.G. Wodehouse stories, which isn’t what this blog is about.
Q1) Should I change the blog title & address?
Q2) Idea to buy my own domain? - so doesn’t have “blogspot.com” at end?
Q3) Which of these titles/addresses are the best ones (let’s say top 2)?
TwistedArtBlogAngloArtBlogWalkInArt - a bit pretentious?LiamsArtBlogOnceAMonkeyArtVulture - my favourite, short and snappy, and I like the vulture image.MonkeyArtBizOTHER ........
Q4) Colour scheme - thinking of changing blog theme from green to blue?
Q5) Current blog post font size - is it too big?
Q6) Any other blog changes you think would be good?