Monday, August 12, 2024

Master of Saint Francis - Crucifix

The Master of Saint Francis was active around 1272.
Crucifix was painted around 1265-70.

This is an absolutely beautiful & mesmerising work of art.

Christ hangs in a painful way across the cross. The Christ is depicted as hanging on the cross. Blood drips down the cross in torrents. His legs have buckled from under the weight. The Medieval portrayal of the human body was focused on the feeling as opposed to its accurate form.

On his right, the Madonna is comforted by Mary Magdalene and another holy woman.

This work predates Giotto.

This crucifix is an example of Christus patiens (Christ suffering) which emphasizes the pain/full weight of Christ’s sacrifice. Contrast against earlier iconography of Christus triumphans (triumphant Christ) where Christ was portrayed as healthy and strong to emphasize his divinity and/or resurrection. The curved legs are a stylistic choice to show that Christ is hanging and also severely weakened by his time spent suffering on the cross.

1 comment:

  1. The grief and distress of the witnesses is skilfully portrayed.
