Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jacopo di Cione - The Crucifixion

Amazing and beautiful adaptation of a polyptych. 

Jacopo di Cione was a Florentine Gothic painter. Documented between 1365-1400.

Christ is shown crucified on the Cross — alongside the two thieves. And a vast crowd around, and Roman horsebacks around.

To his right, the thief — who mocked him — with burning coals over his head.

To his left, the “good” thief’s soul is taken to heaven by angels.


At the foreground, the mourning Virgin (in ultramarine) is supported by Mary Magdalene (in red robes) — the three Maries — and St. John the Evangelist (hand raised to his face).



  1. There is a silken look on the polyptych, in the audiences' clothes and in the sky behind the three crosses. How amazing that if the 1365-1400 is accurate, the softness still remains.

    1. Incredible. It's shocking how skillful these artists were and yet get dismissed as "medieval" ...

  2. So much detail, it's a lovely painting.

  3. Extraordinary detail and the colours are so vibrant.
