Tuesday, September 12, 2023

My first day at Bar School

I thought I'd share a few pics of my first day (Monday 11th) on the Bar course in London. I received a scholarship from Lincoln's Inn, thank Christ. It pays the expensive tuition fees with a tiny stipend for living expenses. Another huge thank you to the Inn.

I have to study civil and criminal procedure and advocacy related-stuff. Also, some ethics and a few other legal bits and bobs to be assessed on.

I include a mug here to show how huge these tomes are. And these are only the civil stuff. We have to sit end of year exams on them.

My friend from Cambridge is on the same course. Nice to already have a friend. (Also, wearing my Edvard Munch shirt; for street-cred purposes).

Unfortunately, I will have to cut back on the blog posting. Perhaps once a week.

The course is quite intense.


  1. I prefer the Munch image to the one of the volumes that have to be read.

  2. Enjoy law school lol. These books look too heavy for flower pressing. Nice to have a beautiful lady in company.

  3. Best of luck and happy studying. :)

  4. Well done for getting a scholarship, and all the best. And don't forget to have some fun too!
