Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hamas rejecting Biden’s ceasefire proposal, yet another rejection

V. short blog about the outrageous posturing that Hamas have been doing, at the 11th hour. 

Very recently, President Biden went all-out and twisted-arms to get his ceasefire proposal accepted by everyone. Israel said yes ... the United Nations said yes ... but now Hamas have made more demands.

According to Mr Blinken:

“A deal was on the table that was virtually identical to a proposal that Hamas put forward on 6 May - a deal that the entire world is behind, that Israel has accepted, and Hamas could have answered with a single word: ‘yes’,” he said ... “Instead, Hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes, a number of which go beyond positions that it had previously taken and accepted. As a result, the war that Hamas started… will go on, more people will suffer, Palestinians will suffer, more Israelis will suffer.” ... 

The statement did, however, reiterate a demand for what Hamas called “a complete halt of the ongoing aggression against Gaza” and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces.

My thoughts

Reading between the lines; the key point seems to be Hamas’s demand that Israel makes (1) some up-front commitment to a “permanent” truce (or some “guarantee” protecting Hamas’s future) and/or (2) a withdrawal of Israeli forces in the territory by Egypt. This is obviously against the 3-staged Biden plan; and completely unacceptable.

Israel should not be willing — at all — to make a deal that leaves Hamas in power. It must focus on (1) eradicating Hamas’s military capabilities, and then (2) hostages. If Israel were to make a written “guarantee” to a permanent ceasefire with Hamas; then Hamas wins. That simple.

Let’s not forget: there was a ceasefire in place on October 6. We know that if Hamas were to have an opportunity to repeat this pogrom, we’d hear the same calls for a ceasefire the day after. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I think United States should just “stay out of it” now and let Israel fight it out. Get this over-and-done-with. If not settled now; then back to terrorist attacks and border clashes — with even more malice.

We can then move to a US-Saudi-Israel brokered deal on Palestinian statehood.


  1. I saw pro-Hamas mobs stand inside a New York train carriage, and once the doors were locked, they screamed at the squashed, standing crowds. They demanded that pro-Zionist passengers identify themselves. I was terrified from 10,000+ ks away, even though it was a minor crisis compared to war.

    So you can easily believe the outrageous posturing that Hamas have been doing, even when peace is desperately needed.

    1. Anti-zionism is really a cover for plain anti-semitism.
      These people are today's nasty brown-shirts.

  2. I don't know if it's publicized in the media, the four kidnapped people who were recently released were kept in private homes of doctors and journalists of El Gezira who received money from Hamas for keeping them captive in Gaza. Noa Argamani, a 25-year-old girl, was forced to be their slave every 225 days. These are the small details that testify to the big terrible story, these are not ordinary and moral people with whom we need to reach agreements.

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    3. Yep Yael,
      Sorry for late reply.
      Yes, as you say, it's an open secret that Palestinian "non-combatants" help Hamas with their operations.

  3. It is always good to read your updates as most news here are so biased and twisted leaning towards Hamas.

  4. Hamas will make their own story good and hope that the gullible will swallow their lies. They have no regard for their own people, so why should they honour any agreement they might eventually make?

    1. Indeed. They're treated with such respect and deference - but that will only be as long as they have hostages.

  5. Hamas seem to be a law unto themselves. The US should keep out of other countries affairs, they wouldn't stand other countries telling them what to do.

  6. Too many innocent people and children are the real people who suffer.
