Sunday, June 9, 2024

The successful rescue of 4 hostages by the Israeli military

Amazing news. 😀

I watched the clip and had a few tears of joy. I can’t believe Noa is back home and safe now. 

Noa was the face of the kidnapping and Israel’s hostage crisis — she was specifically named in the early hostage deals. Now she can finally be the face of happiness and beauty.

Her poor mother has brain cancer; and came out, begging and pleading to see her daughter before she dies! I couldn’t even imagine.


Israel is being criticised for the 200 Gazan death (e.g., EU's Josep Borrell). The criticism of the IDF is just mind-boggling.

It is the fault of Hamas:

  1. The four hostages were rescued in a raid in Nuseirat in Gaza which is a historic refugee camp — i.e. a civilian area.
  2. Israel has an obligation to the security of its own citizens.
  3. As soon as Hamas held the hostages in the area, it became a legitimate military target. Always it seems Hamas is granted some sort of immunity with respect to the Geneva Conventions. They miss Hamas’s own accountability. Israel shouldn’t be responsible for Hamas using human shields. The moronic oppressor/oppressed narrative of the left excuses any behavior — no matter how sick and depraved — if it’s done by an “oppressed” category.
  4. Hamas soldiers fired rpgs and heavy fire at soldiers trying to retrieve hostages; and thereby triggering a firing response that endangers civilians in the area where the hostages were. 

All this could have been avoided by returning hostages — but it seems a few Israeli hostages are worth the protracted suffering of the Palestinians, they can thank Hamas for its priorities.


  1. All murder, rape and destruction is unthinkable, but Imagine targeting young people from the music festival to destroy the nation's mental health. I know that most of the kidnapped Israeli citizens are either dead or still imprisoned in Gazan cells, but at least these four men were saved and returned to their families.
    Everyone in Melbourne turned up in synagogues this weekend to give thanks for the young men's recovery.

    1. Hi Hels. Nice to hear people celebrating some nice news.

  2. The world is only supportive of Hamas murdering Isaraeles

  3. One soldier, the father of two small children, was killed in this rescue operation, unlike Hamas, our people are willing to sacrifice their lives to save others. There are so many cases here of helping and supporting people who have been hurt, unlike the Hamas people who are willing to harm the citizens of Gaza to save themselves.

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    2. Yes, I read about him.
      Great respect.

  4. Supporting an extremist government and excusing killing the Palestinian civilians seem to make you happy.Why are you not settling down in Israel ? Your opinions find a very small echo for some followers who probably never had any contact with Israelis or know what it means to be a Jew. Maybe you should concentrate on Soudan where people are dying from starvation, they are black which might be a problem for you. You are a stupid man, pulling your knowledge out of books . What a pity. What you call mind - boggling is the opinion of people who know certainly more than you about world conflicts.

    1. I cannot understand anyone condoning the actions of Hamas. Those who do have not studied history. Terrorists embed with civilians precisely to skew the narrative.

    2. Hamas are terrorists and their action is pure horror, but why Netanyahu acts on the same level ? He only tries to keep his position , he is an extremist and his ministers do not deserve the name of humans. Murders they are and will be judged ! I have NO respect for such a government.

    3. Oh Chantal,

      There is all the difference in the world in the intention. Hamas intends for the civilian population to act as fodder and human shields. Civilians deaths are the object of war. Israel tries to avoid human casualties. One side kidnapped civilians (and everything else evil) and the other is responding in self-defence. These are basic propositions without which you end up making absurd statements. Like the idea that there is some moral equivalence between Hamas and the Israeli gov.

      4 hostages have been saved. It is amazing how angry this makes you.

  5. Chantal,
    by all means write to Nazi, Hamas or U.S Palestinian Community Network blogs but why send vulgar comments to jeeveshat blog?

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  8. I always think of the price. And there's almost always a price.Now it's the heroic 36 year old Arnon Zmura who died in the campaign of freeing the hostages. We cannot rely on the Hamas creatures to release hostages. Who knows how many more heroes will die for hostages to be saved.
